Thursday, June 27, 2013

Where I am staying and the long trek

 Here is a look at the small resort in Bulgaria that we are staying at during the week of camp. It is located in the mountains of Bulgaria, in a beautiful area. This is a picture of the restaurant area. We eat inside or out depending on the weather.
This is an example of the buildings that house the rooms. Each room has 2 or 3 beds and the campers are in these rooms. This building is where the girls are staying. The boys building, where I am at, is located in another part of the complex. There are recreation areas and even a large meeting room for us to use.
 Today we went on a longer hike. Here is a picture from up above looking down on the area we are hiking to. This area has a small waterfall emptying into the pool you see below. As you can see we had to hike down quite a long way, and since we went down a long way of course, we had to hike back up a long way on our way back.
 But, it was worth it as you can see from this picture. We are at the waterfall and sitting down and enjoying the view for a while. The students were able to go around almost to the waterfall on the rocks that you can see at the left of the picture. Even I went over there to be closer to the waterfall.
Here is the closer view of the waterfall from the rocks near it. It was quite a peaceful area to sit in and just think about nothing.


  1. Looks like a really fun hike :)

  2. MR.Johnson I like the waterfalls!!!!!!!(^.^) I`m evelyn arroyo
