Thursday, June 20, 2013

Another one for my poor students

 Here is another view I made my students watch during the school year. This is a fountain near Bucharest University. It, like the one I posted of the other fountain is a traffic camera. We used this one also to show the differences in time between California and Romania. If you look closely at the clock you can see that it was about 10 minutes after 3pm. At that time most of you in California were asleep, as it was 10 minutes after 5am. So my students will recognize this fountain. If you look closely you can see the National Theater across the street, there is a sculpture located there that you will see in a few pictures.
 The webcam for the fountain is located in the top of the tower that you see here.
 Here is a close-up of the camera.  It is the white object located on the left side of the window.
And lastly, also for my students, here is the sculpture that is located in front of the National Theater. This is located directly across the street from the fountain in the other picture.

1 comment:

  1. The clock looks very similar to the one in Lizzy Plaza here in town!
    Hope your body adjusts to the time change!
