Saturday, June 22, 2013

You ask, I answer

 First for Kaitlin, here is a look at part of the menu in the drive thru at that McDonalds. They even have a Quarter Pounder (which is new to me). This is a value meal menu, so you can get the main item with fries and a drink for 16.1 lei. That comes to about $4.60. Notice that they write it 16,1. In numbers where they use a , we use decimal point and where we use a comma they use the decimal point. So instead of writing 10,000 they would write 10.000. It can be a little confusing sometimes.
 And yes they even have breakfast at this McDonald's. This is still a new idea over here. Micul de jun is breakfast in Romanian and repede si bun means fast and good. No, Kathleen I have not been here for breakfast at all (lunch is a different matter).
 Now to Kathleen's question about the Metro. On the outside the train cars look just like Bart cars. They travel in groups of 6 cars. This is the station at Dristor which is close to where I am staying. Most of the stations look like this. Nothing fancy but very usable.
Here is a look inside one of the cars. All of the seat are against the outside and face the middle. The seats are in groups of 6 and there are 3 groups in each car. So a total of 36 seats in each car. This picture was taken on Saturday afternoon, this is why the car is almost empty. Usually the car is crammed with people. I did not take any pictures inside because I am not sure how the people sitting in there would have taken to having their travels recorded. So this answer two questions from comments on the last blog page. See if you ask, I will answer.


  1. How interesting that the METRO looks very much like a BART station. Thanks for the photos and explanation!

  2. Haha. I got a post all for me?! Yayyy! I was hoping they would have some awesome Romanian food or something on their menu like they have in Hawaii, with their Spam Burgers.
