Friday, June 21, 2013

Around the neighborhood

 Here is a look up the street that I am currently staying on in Bucharest. My building is the one after the glass building in the foreground. You can't really see it but trust me it is there. Notice the car parked on the sidewalk. The people here park on the sidewalk all the time because there are not nearly enough parking spaces for the cars that are here. The city was not designed with the idea that people would be driving personal cars.
 This is a picture of my building. If you look on the left of the building, just above the trees you can see my apartment balcony.
 Not too far from the apartment, on my way to the subway station, you will find this. Yes there are McDonald's all over Bucharest. This one even has a drive-thru. Behind it you will see a typical apartment building, called a bloc. This is the kind of building that most people in Bucharest live in.
Here is a look at the entrance to the Metro Station that I use when I want to get around. The Metro takes you to almost any place you want in the city. Of course there is also a huge bus system and a tram system. You can get to places on the Metro much faster than you could by car. A trip that takes 15 minutes on the Metro could take an hour by car. Yes, the traffic is that bad. Of course the Metro is crowded. I rode it today at 6:30 and we were packed in like sardines.


  1. So, do they have weird things at McDonalds that we don't have in ours? Or is the menu that same. I know, it's ridiculous that I want to know about the McDonalds menu :)

    1. Kaitlin, the menu is almost the same. The names are even almost the same. They have a McChicken, a Big Mac, they don't have a Quarter Pounder since they don't have pounds (it is a Royale Cheese) and they have a Dublu Cheesburger. They even have meals they call Menui. So it is the same and the food is the same quality.

  2. So, now that Kaitlin asked about the Romanian McDonald's menu, I would like to ask about the Metro.
    Do Metro stations look like a BART stations?
    Are the Metro cars in Romania like BART train cars or more like Amtrak or ACE train cars or none of the above?
    How much does it cost to ride on Metro?
    Is there a difference in cost in Romania compared to Bulgaria?
    Inquiring minds would like to know...
    Have a safe journey to Bulgaria!

  3. I forgot to put the part about how much it cost. The Metro is heavily subsidized by the government. You can buy a 10 pass ticket for 15 Lei, which is about $4.30 or 43 cents a ride. Also unlike Bart, you can travel to any station with just the entry, once you are in the Metro there is no other charge. So for 43 cents you can travel all over Bucharest. You do not use your ticket to exit like Bart.
