Wednesday, June 19, 2013

First full day in Bucharest, Romania

 Hi everyone, here I am on my first full day in Bucharest, Romania. This is a picture of the biggest fountain on Bulevardul Piata Unirii. There is one fountain for each of the counties in Romania. This one is for Bucharest (that is why it is the biggest). This picture is especially for my students. I made them look at this picture all the time. There is a traffic webcam that views this spot. In the winter I used it to show how it could be daytime one place on Earth and night time on another. As summer approached I used it to show them how the tilt of the Earth makes the days longer. In the winter when we looked at it it was dark, but as the school year ended and the days were getting longer we could see this in light.
Here is a close up of the thing that most interested my students. The McDonald's logo on top of the mall. From the webcam it was always hard to see, so here you are, I was not lying it is the McDonald's logo. I will begin my teaching next week. This week is to try and get my body on Eastern European Summer Time. That process seems to get harder each year (could it have something to do with getting older?). I will try to post something every other day or so, depending on what is happening. Make sure that you comment ( you can comment anonymously, just tell me who you are). Like I have said it is better for me when I know the blog is being read.


  1. I can only imagine how awful it is to adjust to Europe time... I have a hard time going from CO to CA haha. Hope you're having fun so far Dad!

  2. Don't forget to say that McDonald's is also your favorite restaurant any place in the world! :-)
