Sunday, June 23, 2013

In front of Gara de Nord

Just meet the bus in front of Gara de Nord. That was the directions I had on where to meet the bus that would take me from Bucharest to Varna to begin the teaching part of my trip. No problem right. Except that Gara de Nord (the North Train Station) is an L shaped building with entrances on all sides. The long part of the L is were most of the people enter and exit and where most of the taxis park. To me that meant that was the front of the station. Well there is another  entrance at the leg of the L, and it even has fancy columns and a big clock. I had to be there by 5:45am so I had scouted out where the bus might come the day before. I had three possibilities in mind as I arrived this morning at 5:30. As I was looking at my three areas I noticed a group of people gathering across the street from the area with the big clock and columns. As I walked over to the area it became clear to me that this was the entrance that the reservations man had talked about. Boy did I feel dumb, it was so clear that across the street from this area was where the bus would pick up. Now I had reserved with a company named Sud-Mercado and they had told me to look for the bus with Leon on the side. At about 5:45 a bus rolled up and stopped in this area. It did not say Leon but I heard people talking about Varna. I thought maybe this is mine. The driver had a list and when he had a free moment I asked if this was the bus to Varna, he answered yes and showed me the list of passengers. My name was not on the list. I asked if he was with Sud-Mercado and he said no and pointed to a smaller bus that had just stopped behind his. When I went to that bus a lady had a list and ta da my name was on it. I got on the bus paid my fare and 5 hours later arrived in Varna. I was met at the Cathedral of Varna (the place where they drop off) and taken to my cozy home for the next month. Tomorrow I go to the mountain area to join a summer camp and teach some English and also some U.S. History. I do not know if there is internet there but if there is I will continue to post here.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got there safe and sound! On to the next leg of your trip!!
