Sunday, June 13, 2010

Back in Romania

Hi all, I am back in Romania for my 4th year of teaching. Long, but uneventful flight yesterday. Flight left on time, arrived on time, just a long time. I am looking forward to the days of being able to use the Star Trek transported and just arrive. Oh well until then I guess on time and uneventful will have to do. I leave today for Roman, not much sight seeing in Bucharest this time (I saw lots of it last year). I begin my classes right away so will post about those. Remember to post comments so I know someone is reading this. Talk with you all soon.



  1. Good to know you are doing good Dad!
    I work every night this week, but Wednesday I get off at I'll try to catch you on Skype.

    Love you.
    Remember..NO SOCCER BALLS!

  2. Hey, pulled up your blog site, and...there you were !!Looking forward to a daily communication,ha..good seeing all of you this weekend

  3. Don't jinx yourself Dad! Watch, next year your flight will be like the first year. Then I'll have to tell you I told you so, haha. Knock on wood!!!
    love you.
