Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jiji on travel

Here is Jiji going to class in Roman, Romania. He is learning English along with his new friends. We are at the Roman Voda school.
Jiji the world traveler at the train station Gara de Nord in Bucharest, Romania. We are patiently waiting for our train to arrive. We took the train from Bucharest to Roman on Monday. Jiji was very patient, he hardly complained at all.

And before we got to Bucharest we had a stop over in Amsterdam. That is our plane in the background. We flew KLM to Amsterdam and then Tarom (the national airline of Romania) to Bucharest. At least Jiji rode with me in the plane and did not have to fly with the luggage. Although several of my students volunteered to go that way if I took them with me. At least until I explained that the baggage area of the plane is not heated. So maybe you will see more of Jiji as I post more.


  1. Haha. Did you tell JiJi if he asked "are we there yet?!" you were going to take one of his tickets, and he wouldn't get desert when you got there?

    Love you.

  2. hello again. Nice to see you traveling companion, Jiji. Mom
