Thursday, June 17, 2010

Teaching and being a TV star

Hi all yesterday in class we were interupted by a reporter from the local Roman TV station. He wanted to film what we were doing and talk a little with me. Unfortunately, his English was as good as my Romanian. But one of my students, Ioana, came to the rescue and translated for us. So she got to be on TV as well. So they asked me a few questions and then filmed the class singing two songs. I did not see the broadcast but I understand that they did air it last night. I was out having dinner with some of my friends. My students did say that they saw it and that I looked good :). They were all very nervous when the man came into the room with a microphone and a camera, but they did a good job singing the songs. On Friday afternoon I am going to the mountains. I promise to take some pictures of the beautiful are we will go to. Talk to you soon.


  1. Our son the TV star, and, we can't even see it...nor did you!! Sounds like all's going well

  2. Try and get a tape of it, honey!!
    I'd like to see you in action in Romania!! XXOO
