Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sing along with us

From left to right; Ingrid, Jiji, Vivinna, and Alex. Ingrid and Vivianna are singing a song for Jiji and me.

Here is the whole class of Younger students singing "The Days of the Week". I hope you all enjoy this, especially those of you starting Summer School. Just knowing that Jiji is still working even though it is summer might make you willing to put in the work necessary to improve.

I also went to the mountains at Durau (pronounced Dir-oh) on Friday and Saturday. We had a great time. There were students from Roman who were attending a camp for a week and we went to pick up Corina and Viorel's son Corin. He and several others from the camp will be attending my class for the next two weeks.

Have fun and talk with you all later.



  1. Mark,
    Please tell your students that they did an excellent job in both singing and knowing the words to sign! Bravo! Well done!!

  2. Hahahahahahaha!
    I love the accents.
    Doin' good Dad :)
