Friday, June 25, 2010

Reading and eating

Here are two pictures of the students in my late morning class. They are reading from a Reader's Theater book. This group is reading Little Red Riding Hood. It is one way to get them to actually use the English that they do know.

These guys are reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears. They thought it would be cool to be in a group together until they realized that the story had a mom and a grandmother and of course Goldilocks. But they were troopers and managed to get through it.
And last here is what I had for dinner the other night. It is called Clatite Oscar and is the specialty of the house at the Hotel Roman. It was very good. Too bad I ate it all and did not save any to share with you. By the way it continues to rain here, they are all asking what happened to the summer. In the week before I arrived it was hot, since i have gotten here it is raining. Talk with you all later.


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