Thursday, July 23, 2015

Some of the stars from English Camp

 First up is Bianca, she was in both of my classes, the one at the school and the one at camp. She was my buddy and translator for the younger group.
 Next up is Meda and Teodora. Meda was also at both classes. These two were always smiling and having a great time.
 Lucas was also at both classes and his mom, Cristina, was also the other English teacher at camp. Even though his mom was there Lucas still managed to have a good time. When he was not at English classes, he could be found on the football (soccer) field or in bed (but not sleeping).
 Behind Teodora are Madalena and Flori. They were some of the better students always willing to try any new thing I managed to come up with. Victor is also in the picture, you can tell how interested he was in what we were doing lol. This was one of the last days and I think he was looking longingly at the cabin, where he might get some much needed sleep.
Last here is Teodora. She was in the older group and full of fun. Here she grabbed my camera and took a selfie with me. You can see how happy I am that she took my camera.

1 comment:

  1. They are adorable Mark. It sounds like this has been a lot of fun for you and something different from your other experiences. Take care! :)
