Sunday, July 12, 2015

My Students (the first group)

 The first group is the younger students. By the end of the week there were 8 students left. We sang song and played, "What is this?" They were a great group, always fun and willing to try whatever I asked.
The next group is the older students. These students had a better understanding of English. We did things like Verb Tense Study, Morph House, and Repeat After Me. They had the most fun with trying to count the words in a long sentence that I would read to them. They were always very excited when they got it right. In case you were wondering the purpose of counting the words, it is that it improves their listening skills. The older student in front was not part of the class, he was there to give an interview with the newspaper and television reporters who came by to see us. You can see the newspaper interview here Be warned it is in Romanian. lol

1 comment:

  1. They look just like us. Thank you for sending us the pictures.
