Tuesday, July 21, 2015

LA Tabera (At Camp)

 This is a view of the camp where I spent the last week. The buildings in the background were where the students and the teachers slept. I did not sleep there, I was lucky enough to have a room to myself on the other side of camp, so at night I slept well. As opposed to the teachers who were up most of the night telling the students to be quiet. It was fun teaching tired students! We had four hours of English each day. There were 19 students and they were divided into 2 groups by English ability. The other English teacher from the school, Cristina, and I taught each group once a day for 2 hours. In the morning I had the younger students and in the afternoon I got the older group. In addition the students had other activities and also a chance for free activities each day. The outdoor auditorium that you see here was where the last night activities were held. We had a Talent Spectacular. It is amazing how much talent the students had. The week went by quickly and I had a great time.

This is a picture of 3 of the older students, Andreea, Aria, and Teodora. They are sitting in the dining hall where we had all of our meals. Breakfast was at 8:30, lunch usually at 1pm and dinner at 7pm. The food was delicious and way more than I should have eaten. I do not remember which meal this was and the basket of bread on the table does not help. In Romania they have bread with every meal. We all sat together at a long table big enough for the 19 students, 4 teachers, the nurse, and for some of the times when she could get free from her other duties, the principal of the school. The camp was located in a forest area about half way between Lugoj and Timisoara. I got back into Lugoj this morning (Tuesday) and back to to where I had internet, in case you were wondering what had happened to me. I will post more about the camp as time permits.


  1. Summer school ended today. We really enjoyed reading about your adventures in Romania. enjoy the rest of your adventure. I will keep following Mark, Take care!

  2. Thank you Michelle for following the blog and exposing the students to something a little different. I have 3 more days in Romania and then I will be home.
