Thursday, July 2, 2015

Out and about on Thursday

 The first picture today is of Piata Alba-Iulia. One of the many plazas in Bucharest. What you see in front of you is the kind of buildings you see all around. The bottom floor is occupied by businesses and the upper floors are housing. One thing you might find interesting is that here in Europe they number their floors differently. My apartment is on the second floor but when I enter the building I have to climb two flights of stairs. So according to how I count floors that makes it on the third floor. But here the ground floor is not called the first floor it is called the parter, or ground floor. Many of the piatas here in Bucharest have been turned into parking spaces as parking is in very short supply. When the city was built very few people owned cars so they did not provide parking, you might find a building with 100 apartments and 25 parking spaces. So as you walk on the sidewalks of Bucharest you have to move around the cars that are parked there.
Here is my lunch for today. Piept de Pui, gratar, cartofi prajiti, and of course o bere. Since you can see the picture you should be able to figure out which is which and what they translate to in English. Piept de Pui is chicken breast, gratar is bar-b-qued, cartofi prajiti of course are french fries and o bere is a beer. The beer is a Ciuc, which is a Romanian brand. It looks good and of course it tasted it even better.


  1. The food looks good! Is that coleslaw with it? How much did your lunch cost? It is interesting you live where businesses are. We think that happens in San Francisco too.

  2. Great pictures! Have a great visit!

  3. Ms. Nunes' class, the lunch cost 50 Lei or about $12.50.

  4. What was in your purple salad?
