Saturday, July 4, 2015

 When I posted the other day about getting around in Bucharest I forgot to mention the method that is the most used, even by me. When I am over here my shoes get a big workout. Here everyone walks, every day. If you look at the pictures you can see people on the street. There are people walking all the time.
If you look closely down the sidewalk you can see people, people, and people. Of course you can also see taxis. One other thing that you notice here is that you do not see lots of overweight people, hmmm do you think there might be a connection between these two things? Walking and not being overweight? Something to think about. On Sunday I will be traveling by train to Lugoj where I will be teaching this summer. While I am there I will post things about the school as well as pictures of Lugoj. I have heard great things about Lugoj so I am looking forward to seeing it for myself.

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