Friday, July 10, 2015

Out and about in Lugoj

 This is a view of the Timis River. This river runs through the middle of Lugoj. This picture is taken from the Iron Bridge. The river is very low right now, the other day I saw a girl and her dog walking in the middle of the river and the water was just up to her knees. In the middle if the river you can see some pipes and things. This is a fountain that was working the night that I arrived in Lugoj. It is lit up and very pretty at night.
 The building in the center of the town is the Police Station. A beautiful building but I think I will just enjoy it from the outside. I have had a view of the inside of many of the buildings here in Lugoj. The people here are warm, friendly, and welcoming.
This steeple is all that is left of an Orthodox church here in Lugoj that was first built in 1402. It is amazing to me to think that there were enough people here in Lugoj 700 years ago to need to build a church. That was 90 years before Christopher Colombus sailed west to find India and ran into the Americas. The steeple was rebuilt in 1726, still 50 years before The United States of America started.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures arfe beautiful especially the river.! Did they interview you? Were you on television?
