Monday, July 6, 2015

Getting to Lugoj

I was going to post a video from the train ride from Bucharest to Lugoj but it was taking too long to upload the video so just imagine you are looking out of the train window and seeing countryside passing by. There are fields of corn, fields of sunflowers, fields being cut down for hay. Oh look there is a farmer out in his field with his horse and wagon (really on the video you could see one). The train was a comfortable train which is good since the train ride took 9 hours. I told the people in Lugoj that my flight from San Francisco to Amsterdam to the same amount of time. Maybe it is good that the video would not load since it was taken during the only time that the train was traveling fast. Some  of the time it felt like I could walk faster. It was 457 Kilometers from Bucharest to Lugoj, how many miles is that?

Today my students for the first part of this school came to class. There were 30 of them. After the first two hours I separated them into two groups. The are grouped by English language skills. This way we can accomplish more things without waiting for some of the ones with less English skills to catch up. This section will be for one week, so we will see what we can accomplish in 4 more day.
Today I went out to see some of the town of Lugoj. It was some very beautiful buildings. I forgot to take my camera with me so there are no pictures yet. I will take some tomorrow and post them on the blog. The only place I have internet access is at the school where I am teaching.

It is hot here today 43 degrees C. Here is another conversion for you to make, how many degrees is that in degrees F? I will look for answers from Ms. Nunes' class.


  1. Hi Mr Johnson! We looked up kilometers and miles and found the conversion is 1 km = .6214 miles and that is 283 miles. We also wanted to know how fast the train went on average so we divided the miles by the 9 hours it took to get there and the average speed was 31 miles an hour. We thought it was hot in Livermore. 43C is 109F!! That is hot. We hope you have air conditioning! Lol We are anxious to see pictures of your students. We will try and send you a picture of us.

  2. Wow! That is really muy caliente! Is it really humid, too?
