Sunday, July 28, 2013

Some of the stories told in the murals painted on the monasteries

 Here is one of the sides of the church at Suceavita. This side tells the story of how one gets in to Heaven. In the middle of the mural are the scales of Heaven. All of the good things you do in life are in one scale and all of the bad things are in the other. If you can enlarge this you will see that the devils are sitting on top of the scale on their side trying to make it even heavier. Those darn devils will do whatever they can to get more recruits. If you are good then you go down the left side of the mural and enter into Heaven, if you are bad you go down the right side in to Hell.
 Here is a close-up of one part of that mural. Here is Saint Peter opening the gates of Heaven. As you can see there is a long line of people waiting behind him to get in. On the right of this picture you can see an angel taking the soul of a person who had been good in life.
In this one if you look at the part in the upper right you can see the story of the Garden if Eden. They are the pictures with the white background. The first shows Adam in the garden alone. The next he is with all the animals, then Eve is brought in. The fourth is when they discover the tree of knowledge. After that is when the serpent shows up to tempt them. Then they are shown covered with fig leaves and being banished from the garden. In this way regular people who could not read or write could access the stories that were in the Bible. So these monasteries are like giant picture books for non-readers.

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