Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ruins from Roman Times

 Varna has been an important seaport on the Black Sea for thousands of years. The Greeks were here and so were the Romans. What you see here are the ruins of a Roman Bath House In the center of this picture is what is left of the large dome. They believe the dome would have stood around 60 feet high. The baths are from the 1st century, so see Varna has been around for a long time, Livermore is proud of our almost 150 years, Varna has been around more than 10 times longer.
 In this picture you can see some of the large community rooms that would have been used in the bathhouse. Public bathing houses were very important to the Romans. This particular one is the 4th largest bathhouse found. The size gives you and indication of the importance of Varna to the Roman Empire.
Here is another view. I included this one because as I was taking this picture a man came by and wagged his finger at me and said something. From his tone of voice I am sure he was not saying,  "nice day to take some pictures." It was more like, "you are not supposed to take pictures from outside like this." There is an entrance fee to get in but I figured why pay to go inside when you can see all of it from out here. So, oops here I am getting in trouble in ancient Varna. Thank goodness it is not ancient Rome, or I might have been put in the arena with a gladiator or wild animal. lol

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