Monday, July 8, 2013

The Varna Zoo and Another View of the Cathedral in Varna

 The zoo in Varna is not a very big zoo but it does have a little bit of everything for all to enjoy. Here is a picture of Bambi. When anyone would come by the deer would all get up and beg for food. This particular one was too cool to get up. Of course it was really hot and humid so maybe it was not too cool, maybe it was too hot.
 The owl here is an eagle owl. I thought he looked good up there looking down at me, like he was the king of the castle. There were lots of different types of birds at the zoo.
 Ahh yes the bear. He was sitting down in the moat looking up at a group of kids and trying to get them to feed him. So there were lions and tigers and bears, oh my at the zoo. I saw the lions and bear but I did not see the tiger. The sign said there was a tiger but he must have been in back resting from the heat.
Last here is another view of the cathedral here in Varna. It is such a beautiful building and since I was directly across the street from it and there were no buses in the way I thought I would take a picture. This is the place where the bus I rode from Bucharest to Varna stopped and let me off. It is near the Sea Gardens. I also liked the cloud formation that was behind it. For a while I thought we were going to get a thunderstorm, but we did not.

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