Saturday, July 20, 2013

My last class in Varna

 Here is my class hard at work on the last day. We were finishing the U.S. History class that I taught for three weeks in Varna. Their final assignment was to create a poster about what we had learned. I envisioned a paper with some cute pictures drawn on it with little captions for each picture. I guess that is why i am the teacher and not the student. What they came up with you can see below. They went on their own and looked up more information on what they had learned and created this poster.
As you can see I gave them a lot of information over the 18 hours of class. We started with the first inhabitants of the America's and how they got here and continued from there. They were great students, not only was all of the information presented in English, but they even took their class notes in English. I was impressed. Now it is back to Romania and a visit to the painted monasteries of Bucovina. Stay tuned for some impressive pictures.

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