Tuesday, July 23, 2013

In Suceava, Romania

 I am in Suceava, Romania for a few days. In Suceava there is a fortress that was built by Stefan Cel Mare in 1508. They are currently restoring it, a fact I wish I had known before paying to go inside. Anyway, here is the sign outside the fortress. Cetatea, means fortress.
 Here is the fortress showing the outside of the fortress, the main defensive wall. You can see some of the inside walls also.
 This view shows the three entryways into the fortress. Each of these entries is located on another defensive wall. So there are three defensive walls in the fortress. If you breach the first wall, you find the second wall and so on.
This picture shows some of the restoration going on. Unfortunately, the restoration is going on everywhere in the fortress and therefore you can not actually go anywhere. I am sure that it will be a great place to visit once it is finished.

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