Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Outdoorsman

Here I am hanging with the campers. I had just mounted this fine steed when apparently he felt that the load was too heavy. Since he felt that i was not going to lose any weight quickly, he came upon another way to lighten his load. If you look closely you will notice a stream of water coming from beneath the horse. He stopped and until he had lightened his load he refused to move any further.

Having lightened his load the horse once again was willing to move around the corral. Notice the expert horsemanship portrayed by the rider. Able to use only one hand to hang on. Yee Haw.

Now to the other skill event of the day, archery. Notice the perfect balance, the rapt attention paid by all bystanders. I think i was even able to hit the target. Another fun day had by all.
Talk later.

1 comment:

  1. Ride 'em, Cowboy! LOL

    Glad there wasn't a boy with an apple on his head that you were trying to hit with that arrow! That is some arrow!! LOL

