Sunday, July 1, 2012

For Mrs. Nunes' class, my apartment

Here is the most important part of the apartment, the bed. The apartment is a studio apartment. That means that the living room and bedroom are just one room, there is not separate bedroom. I am typing this sitting on a chair in my "living room" about 6 feet from my bed. In fact in the bottom right corner you can see part of the chair.

Now for the kitchen. I took this picture by just turning the camera to the left from where I had taken the picture of the bed. There is a small two-burner stove, a sink, a microwave, and a refrigerator. The dining area consists of the table with two chairs.

Here is a picture of the front door. To the left is the door to the bathroom. In order to take this picture I had to move about 5 feet to my left from where I had taken the other pictures. On the left of this picture you can see part of the kitchen. So from where I am standing for this picture the living area is to the right and the kitchen to the left.
By the time you guys get to read this I will be on a train heading to Bulgaria for the next part of my adventure. On Wednesday I will start to teach the classes. I will post here how they are going and will provide you with pictures of my students. Thanks for following along. Talk with you soon.


  1. Hi Mark. Looks you're ready for my favorite show: HGTV's House Hunter's International. Safe travels on the next leg of your adventure. Melanie

  2. Hi Mr. Johnson!
    Wow! your apartment is really small but I guess for one person it is okay. We wanted to know if you had a television. We hope you had a safe train ride to Bulgaria. We look forward to seeing your students. We wish you a happy 4th of July!
    Mrs. Nunes's class
