Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hanging with the Vista Language School Summer Campers

Here we are playing a game called Dragon, Knight, or Princess. The dragon eats the princess, the knight slays the dragon and the princess steals the heart of the knight (like rock, paper, scissors). Each team selects a figure to be and they line up opposite each other. Then you count endo (pronounced like it looks) dve (davay), tri (tree), which is one, two, three and you show your figure. The team that has the stronger figure wins a point. The pretty pose you see me perform is the princess pose, since the other side was the knight, we won the point.

Now on to baseball. My title for this picture is "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play." We have our gloves, our baseball hats and a working knowledge of the rules. Now all we need to add is some fun. The game was a blast with everyone having a good time.
Here we are playing a little "American football". The campers all swore that they knew the rule of the game so I told them "Show me how to play." What they played resembled a cross between rugby and "keep-away". Nothing close to American football. So i liken them up and showed them a few plays. I am sure that they believe their version is more fun.
For a job well done, a little treat. If you look closely into the middle of the pile of intently staring campers you will find some McDonald's french fries. As a treat for working so hard on their English, while having fun, the campers were treated to McDonald's cheeseburgers and fries. Another day of fun here in lovely Varna, on the Black Sea.
Talk later.


  1. Hey, I'm the princess and you're the knight! Love you!!!

  2. Hi Mr. Johnson! Mrs. Nunes had to use a different computer to send you a message because hers couldn't select a profile. We loved the camping pictures. The rock looked like a giant toad. The place for rituals looked like maybe a place for babtisims or religious cleansing with the water. It was interesting to hear that a popular game like rock, paper, scissors is played in other countries in a different way. Tomorrow is our last day of summer school. It has been fun following you,. We will send you one more message tomorrow. Take care!

  3. We thought the rock looked like a giant toad too. The bed was a sacrificial table where ritual beheadings took place. The bed was tilted so that they could collect the blood from the victim. Then they would drink it. Yum yum. I hope you had a great time at summer school and that your English has improved greatly.

  4. Hi Mr johnson this is alexia

    1. Hi Mr.Johnson guess who I`am ok I`m Evelyn Arroyo are you surprised ,NOT.
