Thursday, July 12, 2012

Here is my home in Varna. If you look closely at the bottom floor on the right side you will see a green sign above a window and door. The sign is for the Vista Language School. During normal times this office operates as a satellite office for the main language school. During this time however, it is operating as my home. It is a cozy place with everything I need to live.

Here is the view up my street towards my building. This is the view I see as I return from the bus stop. My apartment building is not in sight in this picture but I thought you would enjoy the view.

Last, here is a picture of me from my camping trip last weekend. I am at Kaliakra. There is a legend about 4 Bulgarian girls (or 14 I am not sure which) who were trying to escape from the Turkish army. They came to this peninsula and realized that they were trapped. It is a long narrow peninsula that stretches out into the sea. When they reached the point a little further than I am standing in the picture, they realized that they were doomed. They vowed to die together rather than be captured by the Turkish army so they tied their hair together and jumped from the edge of the peninsula. It is over 100 feet down to the ocean, which at that point is filled with rocks just below the surface. A horrible way to die, but to them, preferable to capture.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of the city really capture its character.
    That's quite a legend and what a way to end your post for the day!
