Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The second week

Ok the video loaded this time if you listen you can hear Romanian being spoken, but please don't ask me what is being said. The second week of classes is underway and everything is going well. The beginners class has grown to where there were 10 students there today. I guess the word is out that there is a crazy teacher teaching English and they want to come and see this for themselves. Today we were working on the parts of the body and after we learned them we sang head, shoulders, knees and toes. I explained that in my class if you don't sing with the group then you have to come to the front and sing by yourself. It is amazing how loud the room got during the next time we sang. No different then my class at Portola. We also talked about opposites and sang a song about them. I had them doing gestures for inside, outside, up and down, long and short, smile and frown, hot and cold, fast and slow. So for all you teachers we had a great day of total physical response (tpr). It is actually fun to see it work, especially with a group so willing to learn. If only all our students were this excited about learning. We played Simon says after that. Simon says show me your shoulders, simon says show me your eyes, then I added simon says show me long, simon says show me inside. Of course I threw in some without simon says. And just for fun sometimes when I said Simon says show me your head I would point to my hips or something else. They got better as we played. In the advanced class we had groups of 4 words and they had to decide which one did not belong and why and explain their reasons. We also did two words and they had to explain how they were the same and how they were different like canary and eagle. It was fun and really works on building vocabulary and oral practice. Well when I started this today I was wondering exactly what I was going to say and i have been going on and on. So I guess that shows that I am having fun. I am meeting a group of students (teachers) for a walk in the local park and theh we will probably drink a juice, mine will probably be a cola zero tonight. La revedere for now talk at you later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark,
    First chance I've had since school was out to check out your blog. Sounds/looks like you're having a good time. I'm on my 2nd day of vacation and enjoying it thoroughly. Been to Santa Cruz, Tuesday Toons downtown and a couple exercise classes with Valerie.
    Drink a juice for us!
