The weekend has been quiet. The first picture is a different view of Vaslui. It is from the top of a hill looking into the city but also into the countryside that surrounds Vaslui. I also spent some time at Parcul Copou, Copul Park. It is located not far from the school and is a very beautiful place to sit and spend some time. It is also a good walk up a hill so it is good exercise. The park is the second picture that you see. The third picture is of Stefan Cel Mare, Steven the great. It is located at a place called podul inalt, or tall hill. It commemorates the victory of Stefan over the turks in 1475. The battle took place right here just outside Vaslui. This is a nice place to go and sit and talk. The last picture tells about the statue I thought you might like to see some things written in Romanian. It says basically that this statue of Stefan Cel Mare was erected in 1975 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Moldovian victory led by the great Stefan that took place at Podul Inalt in Vaslui on 10 January 1475. It goes on to tell that the statue is 6.9 meters tall and sits on a pedestal that is 8 meters tall. Thats all for now, talk at you later.
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