Thursday, July 3, 2008

End of the Second Week

Well week two is done. It has been fun. (hehe that rhymes) The classes are going well. In the beginners class today they were even brave enough to ask me some questions about school in America. They were most interested in High School since that is what they teach. They were interested in the fact that the high school students pick their classes and that the students change classes during the day. In Romania the students are given their schedule and they do not get to choose. Also it is the teachers who move between classes with the students staying put in one room. So the room belongs to the students not to the teacher. The teacher has an office and run from class to office to get the necessary material for the next class. Also the students are together as a group through all 4 years of high school. So you start with 25 students and they stay together all day in every class for the whole 4 years. You better hope you like the students you are with because you are stuck. The pictures I have posted are of a horse and cart that was out in the street right in front of the school. The first picture is from just outside my front door. I came down and there he was and I thought oh can I get my camera out fast enough to get this picture and he stopped right there. He was still sitting there when I got out to the street. The part of the car you see belongs to Florina, we were on our way out. I guess he was sitting there like that because he had run out of gas. hehe. Speaking of gas they are paying about $8 a gallon for gas here so when you go fill up just think about that before you complain too much. And remember they make a whole lot less money than we do. Well all talk at you soon.

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