Monday, July 21, 2008

Any of you miss me?

Hi all I am back! Did any of you wonder what had happened to Mark? My last post was over a week ago. Well I decided to take a short detour through the Romanian Medical System. Last Sunday July 13th I was at a Bar-b-que kicking a soccer ball back and forth. I missed one of the balls and as i ran down a little slope to get the ball, I stepped into a hole and my ankle rolled to the inside. It was quite an ugly picture that I will gladly share with any of you that have a strong stomach and an interest. Anyway, I knew right away that I had done something so I went to the hospital in Vaslui to get an x-ray. Turns out that i had a displaced fracture on the outside of my left ankle and the deltoid tendon on the inside of my ankle was torn loose. All the people in Vaslui said." Don't do the surgery here, go to Bucharest." So I did. I am now in Bucharest, post surgery. The surgey was on Wednesday July 16th and I got out of the hospital on Thursday. I have two great big scars on my ankle now (I have pictures that I will gladly share someday but I will not post them for fear of making people sick). The surgery went fine, they put a plate and 4 screws in the outside of my ankle and had to reattach my tendon on the inside. I am not sure when I am coming home because right now when i put my ankle lower than my hip it hurts and I don't see how i can possible take 20 hours of plane time like that. Every day it is getting better. So now that I have internet access I will post more. Any of you that don't want to comment on this post can e-mail me at Talk with you all soon.


  1. I wondered what happened to you. So.... how is the medical system where you are? And you will definitely have to send me a link to the nice pictures. I live for the gore you know. bummer.....


  2. we all miss you. usually, in romania, both legs shoud be broken but you are a special case hi hi hi. I'm joking I hope you are not mad because of this mesage. take care of you

  3. I miss you, take care

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