Thursday, July 2, 2009

Its raining again today

Hi everyone. It is raining here again today so I am not sure if I am going to venture out or not. We will see how it is later. This picture is of the hotel where the webcam is located. I never could see it I just know it is up there somewhere. If you were able to see me yesterday make a comment on this post. If enough people want I can go there again and feel silly waving at the side of a hotel. This is the hotel where the Rolling Stones stayed when they were in Bucharest two years ago. I was staying at an apartment just down the street and walked past here all the time on my way to the subway.
I made it to the Muzeul Taranului Roman also yesterday. That is the Museum of the Romanian Peasant. They had a nice display of things collected from around the country. There was an actual house from a village, an old church reconstructed inside the museum as well as tools that were used by the peasants. In fact in some places here these type of tools are still being used. Now for a grammer lesson. The Romanian word for peasant is taran. The ul added to the end is the article "the" so taranul means the peasant. The lui added means of the peasant. Now they do not make a double l but it is understood. So muzeul taranului roman means Romanian museum of the peasant or as we would say the romanian peasant's museum. So we make the possessive by adding the apostrophe s while in Romanian they add lui. By the way taranului is pronounced tuh-ran-ool-oo with the oo sound like in the word school. Ok lesson over.
I did manage to get in a picture inside before one of the women came over to me and told me no pictures. I did not see a charge for pictures at the entry (yes they charge you to go in and then they charge you to take pictures). So this is one of the hand-made rug that were on display in the museum. Each area has a different design that they use so you can look at the rug and if you know enough about the designs you can tell what area the rug comes from. One big problem with this museum is that not many things are identified and those that are you will find the information only in Romanian. There were like three things that had English translations. My Romanian is good enough when it comes to reading. There are many words in English that have their roots in Latin. So when you see it you can figure out what it means. When I hear it now that is a different thing since they pronounce it differently than I would. The there are simple words like serious (ser ee os) which means "really" and perfect (pronounced almost exactly like we do) which means perfect. Then there are words like magazin which is what they call a store. Oops another lesson, sorry. I will talk to all of you later.

1 comment:

  1. Congrads on your new grandson. Nice to know all is well with Jan and Timothy. I am enjoying your blog very much. Cathy
