Monday, June 22, 2009

Welcome to Summer School

Hello to all. For those of you not Summer School students, understand that I will be writing some of these blogs specifically for the students at Portola School who are lucky enough to be going to summer school. Unlike me who has to travel half way around the world to Romania and do the hard things like take pictures of beautiful buildings and walk around interesting places. So if you are wondering what the children here do when it is hot out just take a look at the picture above. This is one of the many fountains at a place called Piata Unirii (Unification Plaza). There are many beautiful fountains here. As you can see, like in Livermore, when it is hot out you can always wade in the fountains.
Ok now a question to make you think. How can you tell just by looking at the above picture that this building is a government office building. The people working this building all work for the Romanian Government. Come on take a look and figure out how you can tell that this is a government building. Here is a hint..... most people in Romania do not have air conditioning. Yes do you see that each of the windows, each of the offices has its own air conditioner. No central air since it did not exist when the building was built but now each little government worked has his or her own air conditioner. Cool huh!
And last for today. This is the Triumphal Arch located in Bucharest. It is modeled after another Triumphal Arch located somewhere else in the world. If you know where this other arch is located go to the comment section and tell me where you think it is located.The comment button is right below this post. I am writing this post at 5:00 pm here in Bucharest but it is only 7:00am there in Livermore. That is all for today. Talk to you all later. Teachers take a look at the other posts as there are some other interesting pictures for my time here.

Mr. Johnson


  1. Hi Mark. I'm raising my hand to answer your question, but I will give a hint to indicate I know the answer so I do not spoil it for others. My family sees the other famous Triumphal Arch on TV each July when we watch the biggest cycling race in the world. Hey - if you're having hot weather could you please send some our way? We're still waiting for summer in Livermore. -Melanie

  2. You're such a teacher Dad

  3. Hi Mark. I think I also know it. It is a race Lance Armstrong has won many times. I also agree with Kaitlin, you are such the teacher!
