Saturday, June 28, 2008

The zoo and Brucer's hill

On Friday a group of us went to the zoo in Barlad. I made a new friend Razvan. He is 11 years old and speaks great English. He taught himself watching The Cartoon Network and playing video games. He not only speaks great English but he loves to talk, and talk, and talk. So the zoo was nice, although the animals were in small cages. We stopped at a place in the zoo to get a juice before we left and got under cover just in time for another great thunderstorm. Lightning, thunder, and lots of rain. It rained hard for about 1 1/2 hours and probably rained more than 2 inches. The fields around here loved it. The crops look so much better this year than last year, they have had plenty of rain. They told me that last year was so bad that food prices have gone up about 10% this year. Anyway after the rain stopped we headed home.

The trip to Brucer's Hill was also fun. Brucer was a soldier for Stefan Cel Mare who was injured in battle, he lost an arm, and was given this land to watch for the invading Turks. The Turks would come up this valley and Brucer would light warning fires so that Stefan and his soldiers could prepare. The view from here is wonderful you can see for miles and miles. So thats all for now. Talk to you soon.

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