Friday, June 13, 2008

Last day of school

Well we made it to the last day of school. Now it is on to packing and getting started on this adventure. Since I am going to the same place I was able to send some of my material ahead by mail. Hopefully, this will make it possible for me to travel with only one checked suitcase and a carry-on as opposed to last year when I had to tote around two big suitcases. Also, with only one suitcase hopefully it will be lonely enough to want to make the trip all the way to Romania instead of stopping part way like my suitcases did last year. I probably should not mention this as it might give the suitcase ideas. My plan is to write here at least every couple of days. So instead of sending e-mails to that huge list like last year if you want to know what is going on with me, just come here every few days.


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