Tuesday, June 30, 2015

It's two for Tuesday (this is the second, scroll back for the other)

 Since it is Tuesday I thought I would surprise you with 2 posts. So this first picture is of the Bucharest Mall, although it is referred to as Mall Vitan by the locals. Vitan is the name of the street you can see in the picture. This mall is right across the street from the apartment that I am staying in. So it is an easy walk to do any shopping, there is even a grocery store in the mall, so I can get my Coca Cola Zero, oh yea and some food too. One things for all of you in California to notice is the beautiful grass there in the median of Callea Vitan. Yep real grass and I checked, there is not sprinkler system to water that with. So you can tell that they get plenty of rain here.
 Also on our Tuesday special here is a beautiful building that you do not want to have to go inside. It is the Bucharest Justice Building where all of the criminal trials take place. So if you do have to go in there I hope you are a lawyer or a judge.

Our last Tuesday offering is a picture that any student who has been in my class will recognize. This is another mall in Bucharest, the mall at Piata Unirii. This is familiar because there is a traffic camera that points in this direction that I make the students look at all the time. We use it to show how parts of the Earth are in darkness while other parts are lit by the sun. I also show this to them because of the little red sign on the top of the building. They always get a kick out of seeing the McDonald's logo.
Now a bonus question for all inquiring minds. Since this is the Tuesday special, your question is "Where does the name Tuesday come from?" I will be looking for answers. So that is all from here in Bucharest on Tuesday.


  1. Wikipedia says it comes from a Roman God.. but you can't really trust that as a source.

  2. My source says it is from the German God of War, Tiu. Makes sense since the word for Tuesday in Spanish and Romanian comes from the Roman God of War, Mars.

  3. We also read it was named for the Roman God of Mars.
