Monday, June 29, 2015

A nice day to be out and about

 It was a nice day to be out and about, or just fishing. This photo is from one of the many lakes that surround Bucharest. I took this picture at around 6pm. Now the question of the day for Ms. Nunes class and anyone else who wants to join in; what time was it in Livermore when I took this picture?
If you look closely there are a lot of people out on the banks of the river. In the background there is a large park with lots of areas for playing. Also behind the trees is a sports stadium when the Bucharest Dinamo play. Anyone know what sport the Dinamos play? Answers to the above questions will earn you my undying gratitude as it means that there are people out there actually reading what I write. I will provide answers, along with some new questions tomorrow.


  1. Well I'm pretty sure 6PM Romania time = 9AM Colorado time, so that would be 8AM Livermore time? Time zones are hard... :)

  2. The time zone answer is 8am. Romania is 10 hours ahead of Livermore.
