Thursday, June 28, 2012

A look at some of the old architecture here in Bucharest
Here is the front of The University of Bucharest. This is the finest university in Romania. It is located right in the middle of the downtown area and in fact is near to the webcam that I will be visiting today.
Here is a statue of Prince Michael. He was one of the first rulers to rule over most of what is now Romania. Behind him is a political party headquarters. I took this photo right after the first one. This is located right across the street from the University entrance.

One more, this one is not important from a point of architecture, but it is important to me. The building is where my apartment is located. I am on the 5th floor (we would call it the sixth floor but here in Romania they call the ground floor the parter and the next floor up is called the first floor). So you have to go to the sixth floor but it say fifth. There is an elevator with buttons for P (parter) then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. One of the little things that you have to get used to around here.
By the way if you want to enlarge the pictures for better viewing just click one time on the picture and it will come up in a larger format. I hope to see all of you ( actually I hope all of you see me) at the webcam Universitate Sectorul 3 Bucharesti.


  1. Hi Mr. Johnson! It was so good to see you on the web cam. Your purple shirt was very noticeable. We wanted to know what the weather is like there. It seems sunny and warm on the web cam and you were not wearing a jacket. Will you be at the web cam again? When do you start teaching? What is your apartment like inside. The buildings were very old but cool. Take care!
    Mrs. Nunes Class

  2. The weather here is very warm. Today it was like 95 degrees. So no I was not wearing a jacket. I am not planning to go to the webcam again on this trip. Teaching starts next week on Wednesday. After I make my bed I will take some pictures of the inside of my apartment and post them on the blog. I will even take a picture of the view from my balcony. Thanks for your interest.
