Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A couple of pictures and a question

Ok, so for those of you in my class last year or in Mrs.Nunes' summer class you have seen this fountain before. I showed you this fountain from the traffic webcams. The difference here is that you are looking at the fountain from the opposite side. So, the building you see (the one with the big Coke on the top) is where the webcam is located. So now you have seen the fountain from both sides.

Again here is a picture you have seen before from that same webcam. Only this time you are closer and can clearly see the McDonald's logo.

For those of you interested here is the McDonald's entrance from across the street. Check out all the taxi cabs waiting on the street. For those of you in my class last year I have not have a diet coke from McDonald's yet.

Now for your question, this is meant for the summer school students but please everyone feel free to join in. This is a picture of the People's House or the House of Parliment (they call it both). It is a huge building. In fact it is the second largest office building in the world. Hands on the buzzers folks, who can be the first to ring in with the correct answer to this question? What building is the largest office building in the world. Answers in the next posting!


  1. Hi Mr. Johnson! Thank you for the pictures. It is almost 7:00 at night where you are. We were surprised to hear you didn't have a diet coke from McDonlds yet. Mrs. Nunes has one this morning! Lol We know the answer. The largest office building in the world is the Pentagon in the United States. It is 6,500,000 sq. feet and 3,500,000 is office spaces. We look forward to seeing you in person at 9 tomorrow morning

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow with all of this information I guess you guys looked this up. I will be the one wearing the bulldog shirt.

  4. wow-another summer, another adventure. looking forward to following. our big adventure for the summer is a 2-week trip to tennessee towing our "new" little 630lb pop-up trailer :)

  5. We'll be watching from your Mom and Dad's! Have a great day!!
