Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A day without a night

When I got up on Monday morning at 7am the sun was out. Now I am typing this from Bucharest Romania and it is 9:15 pm Tuesday. In reality there had been only a little over 24 hours elapsed since I began my day on Monday (Romania is 10 hours ahead of us), but just now the sun has gone down and it is getting dark. So for all the 24 hours that I have been up, getting ready and traveling here the sun had never set. It was not dark out on the flight at all. The sun dipped in the west and then started back up in the east. The plane traveled north over the southern part of Greenland. During this time of the year way up north the sun does not set. So if anyone tries to tell you that there can not be 24 hours with straight sunshine tell them that they are wrong. You read it here.

I will be posting here again this summer, some for my friends and some for the Summer School students at Junction Avenue K-8 School. Talk to you all soon.


  1. Glad you made it safely! Look forward to following your adventures with my students!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice entry, Honey! Talk with you soon!!
