Friday, June 29, 2012

A trip to the webcam

For those of you who watched my "surprise" appearance on the Bucharest traffic webcam, here is the building that the camera is mounted on. This picture was taken from across the traffic circle. When you go down the stairs that you can see on the traffic cam you enter a large area under the street. The Metro (subway) is located down there as well as many stores, it is like a small mall under there. Also it is the way that you cross this street. There are too many cars to try to cross on the street level.

Here is a closer view of where the webcam was located. It is on the balcony that you can see there. Also you can see the plants that I had to look over to be seen by the camera. If you can't see it then look here....

There right in the middle, in the white box is the webcam.That is what I could see when I was looking at you. Here is a funny story. When I was standing there and looking at the camera and waving there were many people around. One lady kept looking at me out of the corner of her eye, trying to figure out what was going on. She finally look at me weird and moved as far away from me as she could. I am not sure but maybe the bulldog logo on my shirt bothered her. Ok, it was probably that I seemed to be trying to communicate with someone who was not there. I thought about telling her what i was doing, that there was a webcam and I was waving at people in America, but I was afraid that she would run away screaming. Oh yes, and there were police officers all around helping to direct the traffic out on the street. So, if I had spoken to her I wold probably be writing this from the local jail! I hope you all enjoyed your chance to see me on a live webcam. The next post will include some pictures from my apartment, I promised Ms. Nunes' class that I would take some.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A look at some of the old architecture here in Bucharest
Here is the front of The University of Bucharest. This is the finest university in Romania. It is located right in the middle of the downtown area and in fact is near to the webcam that I will be visiting today.
Here is a statue of Prince Michael. He was one of the first rulers to rule over most of what is now Romania. Behind him is a political party headquarters. I took this photo right after the first one. This is located right across the street from the University entrance.

One more, this one is not important from a point of architecture, but it is important to me. The building is where my apartment is located. I am on the 5th floor (we would call it the sixth floor but here in Romania they call the ground floor the parter and the next floor up is called the first floor). So you have to go to the sixth floor but it say fifth. There is an elevator with buttons for P (parter) then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. One of the little things that you have to get used to around here.
By the way if you want to enlarge the pictures for better viewing just click one time on the picture and it will come up in a larger format. I hope to see all of you ( actually I hope all of you see me) at the webcam Universitate Sectorul 3 Bucharesti.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A couple of pictures and a question

Ok, so for those of you in my class last year or in Mrs.Nunes' summer class you have seen this fountain before. I showed you this fountain from the traffic webcams. The difference here is that you are looking at the fountain from the opposite side. So, the building you see (the one with the big Coke on the top) is where the webcam is located. So now you have seen the fountain from both sides.

Again here is a picture you have seen before from that same webcam. Only this time you are closer and can clearly see the McDonald's logo.

For those of you interested here is the McDonald's entrance from across the street. Check out all the taxi cabs waiting on the street. For those of you in my class last year I have not have a diet coke from McDonald's yet.

Now for your question, this is meant for the summer school students but please everyone feel free to join in. This is a picture of the People's House or the House of Parliment (they call it both). It is a huge building. In fact it is the second largest office building in the world. Hands on the buzzers folks, who can be the first to ring in with the correct answer to this question? What building is the largest office building in the world. Answers in the next posting!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A day without a night

When I got up on Monday morning at 7am the sun was out. Now I am typing this from Bucharest Romania and it is 9:15 pm Tuesday. In reality there had been only a little over 24 hours elapsed since I began my day on Monday (Romania is 10 hours ahead of us), but just now the sun has gone down and it is getting dark. So for all the 24 hours that I have been up, getting ready and traveling here the sun had never set. It was not dark out on the flight at all. The sun dipped in the west and then started back up in the east. The plane traveled north over the southern part of Greenland. During this time of the year way up north the sun does not set. So if anyone tries to tell you that there can not be 24 hours with straight sunshine tell them that they are wrong. You read it here.

I will be posting here again this summer, some for my friends and some for the Summer School students at Junction Avenue K-8 School. Talk to you all soon.