Monday, August 10, 2009

Back home

So for any of you that are still reading this I have returned to the United States of America. I got home on Thursday night after a long (20 hour) flight. I am at work now, having gotten the keys to my classroom, and have started to do the things necessary to get the new school year off to a good start. To all of you who have read this I want to say thanks. I enjoyed writing it again, but it is much more enjoyable knowing that I am not just writing it for myself but there are actually people out there reading it. I have not decided whether to keep blogging, maybe about my class this year, or not. Time will tell. During the summer there is more time for things like this. Talk with you all again.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

At the Seaside

I got the chance to go to the seaside here in Romania. To the city of Constanta. I have been there without internet so that is why there have not been any posts lately. I stayed in a pensione (like a bed and breakfast without the breakfast) in an area called the Vacation Village. It was fun. Here is a picture from the beach at Mamaia. As far as you can see are beach chairs. These are rented by the day. When you walk out there, people are waiting for you. They will also set up an umbrella for you. This is the view from my beach chair.
Here is a picture from the water looking back at the beach. This beach is one of the prime vacation spots for Romanians, although many of them are beginning to travel to Turkey or Bulgaria for the beach. So here i am standing knee deep in the Black Sea.
Here is my set up on the beach. See the nice umbrella that they placed for me. It was a nice day and I managed to stay in the umbra (Romanian for shadow) most of the time. The guy who set up the umbrella was nice enough to take this picture.
And last, Captain Ahab was heard to scream from his grave when this image was sighted emerging from the water. If you heard on the news that the Great White Whale was spotted at Mamaia beach in Romania this is the image that sparked the rumors. But I do believe had there been sunflower planted on the beach they would have all turned their faces toward me instead of the sun. I will post more from the beach in the next few days. I am back in Bucharest and counting down the days until I return home. Talk with you all soon.
