Friday, July 9, 2010

Back in Bucharest

Hello all, I am back on the internet after a week. I stayed at a nice home in Bucharest but there was no internet access so of course no posts. Here is Jiji again, this time going to school with some new friends in Bucharest. They attend a school called Discover-me. It is a private school in Bucharest. We would call it a pre-school but here they call it Kindergarden or Gradinita. The students range in age from 3 to 7. In Romania they start 1st grade at 7. These students learn for part of each day in English. We sang some songs and had some fun. Jiji enjoyed it too.
I also have gotten in some sightseeing while I am here also. This is the Arch of Triumph near Herastrau park in Bucharest. This picture is taken right at sunset, the lights had just come on and I thought it gave it a nice look. Although the rain has continued in Roman, and the flooding in that part of the country, here in Bucharest, except for a few thunderstorms, the weather has been nice. Talk to you all later.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you spoke too soon about the rain!
    I'm glad to see Jiji is still with you, too. I was beginning to wonder if he had taken an early fight home. ;-)
    See you soon!!!
